Your News

Note: We are back to sending the regular print edition
of Your News, with the return to school. However, if you
find yourself facing challenges getting the newspapers to your 
students, please get in touch at to
see how we can help.


With the spring school closings, we put the April, May and June, 2020 editions of Your News online so that you can share them with your students.

Please alert your teacher colleagues who do not subscribe to Your News that this resource is available, to help all of you with online learning during this challenging period.

If you'd like the answer sheet that goes with these editions, please email us at and we'll send you a copy.

Your News - June 2020 edition

Your News - May 2020 edition

Your News - April 2020 edition 



The affordable classroom resource that works

Your News is a newspaper for learning. Designed by educators and published monthly in Canada from September to June, each page is filled with activities that engage students, stimulate discussion and encourage the acquisition of language skills in English.

Your News contains no advertisements to distract your students, yet it is still very affordable. Best of all, the content is topical and relevant, so your students will enjoy reading it.