Your News
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Subscription Information

Please note that the minimum order for all for schools, educational institutions, vocational centres, and teachers is now 5 (five) copies. Single subscriptions are available ONLY to students and senior citizens. The price for single subscriptions is $25 per year, all taxes included. 

Ordering for your students

The base price for Your News is $21.74 CDN per subscription per year. You will receive ten issues, published monthly from September to June, for one year. For all Canadian orders, 5% GST will be added to the total, and in Quebec, an additional 9.975% PST will be added. No taxes will be added to orders outside Canada, but an additional shipping charge may be added.

Classroom Set Discount

We also provide a discount for classroom sets.

For orders of 5-24 subscriptions, the base price is reduced to $17.35 CDN per subscription per year. For all Canadian orders, 5% GST will be added to the total, and in Quebec, an additional 9.975% PST will be added. No taxes will be added to orders outside Canada, but an additional shipping charge may be added. 

For orders of 25 subscriptions or more, the base price is reduced to $14.75 CDN per subscription per year. For all Canadian orders, 5% GST will be added to the total, and in Quebec, an additional 9.975% PST will be added. No taxes will be added to orders outside Canada, but an additional shipping charge may be added. 

On-line subscription form

Here is an easy-to-use online order form to help you subscribe to Your News

1) Fill in the appropriate information in the fields below, then press the Subscribe button. Within a short time, you will receive a quotation via e-mail, with a full price breakdown of your order.

2) Return the e-mail to us to confirm your order. Please note that we will only process your request once we have received your order confirmation, so you need not worry if you change your mind. We can also adjust your order whenever you like, at no cost to you or your academic institution. We are educators ourselves, and we understand the changing needs of teachers and students.

3) You can also print out a paper copy of our order form and mail it to us, if you prefer, by clicking here.

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